Interview process
Online Application:
You will be asked competency based questions (team work, organisation , leadership) as well as your reasons for working for Halfords and on their scheme.
You also have to submit a cover letter and CV.
Telephone interview:
More competency based questions - it is helpful to review what you said in your application as you don't want to repeat yourself.
Other questions included: your role model, motivations and influences, greatest achievement.
They praised me on my enthusiasm for Halfords and passion for retail.
Make sure you do your research on the company, as this can be impressive if you can include it in your answers.
Assessment Centre:
See below
Final Interview:
You meet with the head of retail, and head of retail (people) for a half hour interview. They had my CV in front of them, and asked me questions based on that. One was taking notes, while the other asked the questions. They asked me to describe why I had studied my degree, why my part-time jobs had been useful etc.
They also ask you to give examples of things you have done as part of your job or society - and they asked specifically from what I had on my CV, so make sure you come up with some competency examples for all of the things you include on your CV. They were really friendly and relaxing during the interview, but they seem to be quite specific about what they want and who they want, so they mark you harshly on how well you do. I think they want a 'type' of person. So don't be surprised if you do well in your interview but don't get offered a job.
Most difficult question
If you had a newspaper advert, with 6 things on, what would they be?
What's the most interesting thing you found out when researching Halfords?
If you could have any super power what would it be and why?
What has been your greatest achievement? Why is this a good achievement?
Interview tips
I feel I did by best all the way through the process and got to the very end, but didn't fit the right type. So give it your all, and take it as good experience. They were really friendly, and you learn a lot (especially from the assessment centre) so use the experience wisely. I haven't been to an assessment centre so friendly before! But be aware, they are always watching you to give you credit or take it away, so you need to constantly be on the ball!
Experiences at the assessment centre
At the assessment centre we did a short icebreaker where we have to make a tower from straws, newspapers and marshmallows. They are looking for your team working skills and how you interact with the other people in the group.
Then you do a presentation (which you prepare before hand) about Halfords values based on an object personal to you. You do this to other people in the group - listen and ask questions after their presentations. Try and think of interesting links of your object to Halfords and be prepared to answer questions afterwards. Make sure you practice timings as they are harsh on that.
Then you go to speed interviews. There were 6 tables and you got 10 minutes at each one. Each table ask you different questions. Try and come up with good examples to competency questions which you can articulate well in a short period of time as the questions are quick fire. You need to make a good impression quickly so try not to be nervous!
Then you do a big group task called a 'pit stop' They are looking for how well you deal with the team but also with the data provided. You get an A4 sheet filled with target and sales data as well as key store information and you need to show you can understand and interpret it, without stepping on other people in the group. try and give yourself a task in the group, specific to you, so you stand out (eg. time keeper, scribe). Then you have to do a presentation to the assessors about the data you have interpreted. be confident, and make sure all of the group is involved. They will ask you questions and interrupt you to put you under pressure, so stay calm!
Finally, you do a role play task. You have ten minutes to prepare from a brief that you provide you with. Try and remember as much as you can from the sheet and use the time wisely - they commented that I prepared well, so they might mark your notes! Then you have to interact with one of the assessors (the customer) and solve their problems. try and understand everything they need help with before you advise them. They don't want you to be an expert of the Halfords equipment, but they are looking for your communication with the customer and how you deal with the situation, so take your time and go with it!