COMING SOON - a dedicated career hub for graduate women
We're currently working on building a resource hub tailored to women's career needs, covering job search strategies, interview tips, and achieving work-life balance.
After speaking with students and graduates, we understand the need to support those who identify as women or non-binary, to empower and develop career confidence.
We'll be launching soon and collaborating closely with employers and partners to ensure you have comprehensive support for your job search and entry into the workforce.
In the meantime, come and join our graduate women community on Instagram and TikTok, where we're already sharing valuable advice for those starting their careers.
Are you an employer looking to attract graduate women?
We're launching this hub to support employers who are dedicated to advancing gender diversity efforts. Reach out to us now to explore how we can assist you and facilitate connections with graduate women, boosting visibility for your employer brand.
Meanwhile, feel free to download our newest insights into the career concerns of student and graduate women.