• ACA Graduate Scheme

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    The application process began with an application form which asked general questions such as why accountancy, why our firm, there were a few more unusual questions as well such as 'if you had £100,000 to invest what would you invest in?'. If you were successful in this you were moved on to the online tests which were the normal kind of verbal and numerical reasoning. Some people I spoke to at the assessment centre said that they had a phone interview as well, I personally didn't so I couldn't say what to expect but just be prepared. If you were successful in the tests you were invited to the assessment day. The day began with more numerical and verbal reasoning tests (no harder than the practice ones available online). Then there was a group exercise which was a discussion of which option was most financially viable for a company (don't worry it just needed common sense looking at pros and cons and making a decision as a group). We then took a break for lunch after which about half the group was told they had been unsuccessful and were sent home. Then came the interviews, the first was with a couple of members of the management team but was generally just competency based questions. Then you were given a presentation to do individually on the problems and possible solutions a company was having (again common sense) followed by a short Q&A. After this came the final interview with a partner and a member of the management where they asked you more competency questions and why this company, why accountancy, your interests etc.

    Most difficult question

    What was the most difficult time you've ever had?

    Interview tips

    Make a good impression in the early stages of the assessment centre because people were sent home after lunch so just make sure to do some practice tests before you go and make yourself heard during the discussion. Make sure that you contribute, don't be shy but make sure to listen to others as well. I would also recommend just being yourself in the interview.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    Numerical and Verbal reasoning tests
    Group discussion
    Interview (competency based 40 mins approx.)
    Final Interview (competency based 40 mins approx.)

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Assistant Auditors - NAO Graduate Accountancy Scheme

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    -Online Application: Competency based questions about your experiences so far followed by a numerical test.

    - One on One Interview held in their London Office: This was with a member of their HR department.
    Questions: the questions asked strongly followed their online core competencies- one from each competency. Also followed by asking about your motivations for the role, and your experiences.

    At the end you're able to ask any questions you have (recommended to find some to ask).
    If successful the will email you two days later asking you to book an Assessment Centre slot, roughly the following month.

    Most difficult question

    - Who are the stakeholders in the auditors?
    - what differentiates us from our competitors?
    - how does this role fit into your career path?
    - how does this role fit within the organisation?
    - what specifically do you have that would make you excel in this role compared to anyone else?

    Interview tips

    - make sure you have 2-3 examples from each competency on their website and make sure you can give background information as they will ask a lot of follow up questions. Its really helpful to follow the STAR (situation task action result) approach but make sure you try and make your answers succinct enough for HR to write down and record.
    - Also make sure you have read up a fair amount on who the NAO are, what they have done recently, any news stories, their value for money reports, who their competitors are, how they fit in within the government- what their relationship with them is and why you think this role is important for your career.
    - really make sure they know how much you want this position and what qualities you have that they are looking for.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    Assessment centre takes place the following month.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • external audit graduate trainee

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    My interview was a one on one interview with a member of their graduate recruitment team, the interview took place at their London office. The interview starts with an exercise where you are given an article to read and must discuss certain points about the article. My article was about the childhood obesity and school meals. The questions I was asked were quite straightforward for example outline the main stakeholders, how would you fix this problem, what obstacles is your solution likely to face. After that i was asked more standard interview questions such as why Mazars, why audit, what do you know about the ACA, Tell me about a time when you had conflict with someones decision, tell about a time where you showed leadership. The interview last for around an hour it can be longer depending on the amount of questions you have for the interviewer at the end.

    Most difficult question

    I struggled with the tell me about a time when you had conflict with someones decision? My advice would be to try and relate your answer to the Mazars core values of Integrity, Responsibility, Respect for individuals, Cultural diversity, Independence and Continuity.

    Interview tips

    Read the core values section on their graduate website and try to relate your answers to these values. Also try to think of some good questions to ask the interviewer this helps to show that your really interested in the company.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    We were quite a small group only 6 of us the day starts with a brief presentation of the company after that you complete numerical and verbal reasoning tests similar to the online ones done for the application form. Next you have a group assignment where each member of the group is given information on a fictional candidate and the group has to decide which of the candidates are most suitable for the job. This is followed by individual presentations you are given ten minutes to come up with a presentation on any topic you can think of and then 5 minutes to present. Then you get a lunch break and the chance to speak with some of the graduates there. After lunch is the inbox exercise this is not done electronically and can be quite daunting bu just make sure you respond to the e-mails and you should be fine. After that you have an interview with a director the questions are similar to that of the first interview the last part of the day is listening to a presentation on the ACA i was given he results of the assessment center a day after.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • KPMG Audit Opportunities for Graduates

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    The telephone interview was the 2nd step in the recruitment process, after the application and online tests. It lasted around 45 minutes, as I was told. I was asked a set of basic competency questions and some business-related questions. I had more or less prepared using various forums so I was able to answer most questions with relative ease.

    Most difficult question

    The scenario questions were difficult as you cannot really prepare for them. I was asked 2 of these types of questions. The interviewer will first describe the scenario both of which were quite long and boring. One was about time-consuming tasks with similar deadlines and the other one about a group situation

    Interview tips

    Prepare thoroughly using popular forums where participants have usually described in detail what to expect. However there will always be tests you cannot fully prep for, such as role play and e-tray. Which is where I think I struggled - so make sure the preparation is there and then the rest is a bit up to luck!

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    Report writing, role play and e-tray. The report writing is straightforward, candidates are given various texts and then asked to write a report with recommendations. Role play involved two situations, one with an unhappy client and another with your manager. E-tray was quite hard, there were numerical questions, voice mails, video messages.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Opportunities in Assurance with PwC - April and Autumn 2014

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    My first interview was on the phone. I was mainly asked competency questions here based on their common competency's outlined on the recruitment website.
    This interview was the hardest. For example, they asked me a time I had to correct someones mistake. I chose a time when someone at work wasn't doing there job correctly and I had to speak to my manager about this and he dealt with this.
    They then wanted another example as I had not directly dealt with it myself and therefore for this interview thinking on the spot of several examples was required making it relatively hard.
    The 2nd interview I had was with a partner of the company and was one to one. This I preferred, it was more like an informal chat, there was some competency questions but a lot of it was checking I understood the role I had applied for and what would be required of me if I was to be offered the job.

    Most difficult question

    Describe a time when you had to improve a piece of work after criticism?
    Who are our clients in the local area?
    When was the last time you read something about us (PWC) in the news?

    Interview tips

    I would advise other students to really research PWC and the specific role they have applied for. I would advise using sites such as wiki jobs to become informed on what to expect. Preparation in advance is key. Also keeping up to date with current affairs (read a few news stories daily) may also be useful.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    I had to do paper versions of the online numerical and reasoning tests. I also had to spend half an hour preparing and writing a report on a water conservation issue. I then had a group exercise where we had to work as a team to solve a common problem (ours was the best way to generate revenue from 5 different energy problems).

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Deloitte - Graduate Opportunities in Tax

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    After getting thru the online stages (application form, numerical reasoning followed by critical thinking, a harder version of verbal reasoning which replaced the e-tray for the 2014-15 intake), my first interview was conducted by a Manager from my chosen area and lasted around 1 hr 15 mins. 20 mins before the interview, I was given a case study to read and had to answer 3 questions stated in the case study - this was the first part of the interview. I was also asked some follow-up questions based on the answers I gave. The second part of the interview was about a long-term project/piece of work I undertook and many follow-up questions based on my example, such as why did I take such action, how did it make me feel, what would I have done differently etc. Final part of the first interview was standard competency questions: why Deloitte, why Indirect Tax, what I'll be doing in the 1st year and to briefly outline the professional qualification.

    After learning that I passed the 1st interview (a pleasant surprise), I was then invited for a final Partner interview around a week before Christmas. Around a week beforehand, I was given the presentation topic, with 5 mins of presenting plus up to 10 mins of questioning. After the presentation came some "values-based" questions, such as what would a good day look like, a bad day, what would I do if I had 6 managers sending me emails with urgent tasks to do etc. However, these came up in a more conversational way rather than the Partner reciting thru a fixed list of questions - if anything, it was a very pleasant conversation with the Partner getting to know more about me than "ticking the competency boxes". Surprisingly no commercial awareness questions were asked at all, although my presentation may have covered that adequately.

    Most difficult question

    Actually, the most difficult questions asked were neither the standard competency questions nor the follow-up questions from the long-term piece of work. Rather, they were follow-up questions based on what I said in the case study . . . and I really struggled for time in the case study so had to end up thinking on my feet and relying on what I've read in the business news and apply those to the study. I cannot remember the exact questions as they were all based on what I said.

    Interview tips

    Follow business news in the run-up to the 1st interview. Although you can theoretically gather all info in the case study, I ended up having to think on my feet and rely on my business knowledge to rescue me in the case study as I ran out of time to do preparation.

    For presentation, try to keep it to a level you can understand. I got good feedback from the Partner straight after the presentation because the Partner thought I used calculations appropriately to explain harder stuff and that I also avoided using fancy business jargons you'd find in FT.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    See "desscribe your interview" for the case study.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Graduate Accountant

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    My initial contact was via email after I had submitted my application which asked me a number of questions around my degree, availability and salary expectations.
    The next stage was an interview.
    I was interviewed at an Arnold Clark Motorstore.
    The interview panel consisted of 2 senior members of the Accounting staff who included the Area Accountant as well as the Branch Accountant.
    I was asked a number of skill/competency based questions, technical questions as well as questions which assessed my personality and ability to fit in and work well with my colleagues.
    Towards the end of the interview the interview panel and I engaged it general conversation which I felt was a continuation of the assessment on my personality and traits but I felt this gave me the opportunity to assess the management whO I found to be very personable.
    The format was formal but did become slightly more informal toward the later stages.

    Most difficult question

    Describe a time in which you have had to make a decision which was not in the best interests of yourself but for your employer. How did you overcome these concerns

    Interview tips

    Before this successful interview I had attended many interviews (over 10) and the difference at this interview was that I almost pushed myself to be more relaxed.
    My advice is to be yourself, Show your personality, evidence your skills, show your drive/motivation, and again be yourself.

    Experiences at the assessment centre


    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Accenture Graduate Scheme - Analyst Consulting Group (ACG)

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    Application started with competency questions, very typical: describe a time when you have: team work, leadership, overcome fear etc. Following this was a numeracy test and logical reasoning test (the sequence type you do in IQ tests). Once you have successfully completed this stage, it's the telephone interview. Naturally I swatted up on the company, however this was not necessary. It was entirely competency based with one question regarding the ACA exams, (just 'what do you know?'). The rest of the questions were what I had answered in the application process, however they had my answers in front of me so I had to have different examples.

    My feedback was that she liked my honesty, if I said I didn't know or asked for more information on the type of answer she required, she saw that as a positive.

    Through this stage, was an assessment centre, which contained a group task (to see team work), a numeracy test, logical reasoning test and written exam, all lasting 20 minutes. The written was the hardest as you are pushed for time. Just ensure it is in the form of a report as that is what they are looking for, content wasn't too important.

    Final interview is with a partner or senior director. Mine was surprisingly informal, chatting about secondments and opportunities within the firm. This was to see how easily I held a conversation with a senior member. Again, I was asked very typical questions: what do you expect from Accenture, where do you want to be in 5 years etc. Lasted around 40 minutes, 20 minutes of questions, 20 minutes of informal chat. Not a strict interview.

    Most difficult question

    One on one interview was hard. It was completely theory based.

    Interview tips

    Google typical competency questions as through the process you will be asked them all! Ensure you know what the role you are applying for does and read up on Accenture clients (they may ask). I also know someone who got asked about a recent news story they were interested in, so be prepared to answer that (if it is about one of their clients they are even more impressed). Be confident and don't be afraid to say that you don't know. At the end of the day, every graduate they take on is there to be trained. You don't need an accounting background, in fact the more diverse the better, gives you more to talk about.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    The assessment centre contained a group task (to see team work), a numeracy test, logical reasoning test and written exam, all lasting 20 minutes. The written was the hardest as you are pushed for time since you also have to read a 16 page booklet in this time. Just ensure it is in the form of a report as that is what they are looking for, content wasn't too important.

    The group task (for me there were 6 people) was how to make a company more sustainable. We were all given a sheet to read to the group and we had to decide how we would invest the company's money to bring the highest publicity with the best economic options. They were not really interested in what we picked, it was how we came to the decision and the balance of listening and giving our opinions that they were interested in.

    We then had lunch (where they say you are not assessed). While you are not assessed, still be on your best behavior and ask insightful questions as I have since sat in as an employee and once the candidates have left, I have been asked by management who I thought was good enough for the job.

    If you score highly enough on the exams (you get the results through the post) and impress in the group presentation, you get through to the final interview. It is rare if you get to this stage to then no be offered a job.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Trainee Auditor

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    Application started with competency questions, very typical: describe a time when you have: team work, leadership, overcome fear etc. Following this was a numeracy test and logical reasoning test (the sequence type you do in IQ tests). Once you have successfully completed this stage, it's the telephone interview. Naturally I swatted up on the company, however this was not necessary. It was entirely competency based with one question regarding the ACA exams, (just 'what do you know?'). The rest of the questions were what I had answered in the application process, however they had my answers in front of me so I had to have different examples.

    My feedback was that she liked my honesty, if I said I didn't know or asked for more information on the type of answer she required, she saw that as a positive.

    Through this stage, was an assessment centre, which contained a group task (to see team work), a numeracy test, logical reasoning test and written exam, all lasting 20 minutes. The written was the hardest as you are pushed for time. Just ensure it is in the form of a report as that is what they are looking for, content wasn't too important.

    Final interview is with a partner or senior director. Mine was surprisingly informal, chatting about secondments and opportunities within the firm. This was to see how easily I held a conversation with a senior member. Again, I was asked very typical questions: what do you expect from PwC, where do you want to be in 5 years etc. Lasted around 40 minutes, 20 minutes of questions, 20 minutes of informal chat. Not a strict interview.

    Most difficult question

    if Alan Sugar gave you £250,000 of investment, what would you do?

    Interview tips

    Google typical competency questions as through the process you will be asked them all! Ensure you know what the role you are applying for does and read up on PwCs clients (they may ask). I also know someone who got asked about a recent news story they were interested in, so be prepared to answer that (if it is about one of their clients they are even more impressed). Be confident and don't be afraid to say that you don't know. At the end of the day, every graduate they take on is there to be trained. You don't need an accounting background, in fact the more diverse the better, gives you more to talk about.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    The assessment centre contained a group task (to see team work), a numeracy test, logical reasoning test and written exam, all lasting 20 minutes. The written was the hardest as you are pushed for time since you also have to read a 16 page booklet in this time. Just ensure it is in the form of a report as that is what they are looking for, content wasn't too important.

    The group task (for me there were 6 people) was how to make a company more sustainable. We were all given a sheet to read to the group and we had to decide how we would invest the company's money to bring the highest publicity with the best economic options. They were not really interested in what we picked, it was how we came to the decision and the balance of listening and giving our opinions that they were interested in.

    We then had lunch (where they say you are not assessed). While you are not assessed, still be on your best behavior and ask insightful questions as I have since sat in as an employee and once the candidates have left, I have been asked by management who I thought was good enough for the job.

    If you score highly enough on the exams (you get the results through the post) and impress in the group presentation, you get through to the final interview. It is rare if you get to this stage to then no be offered a job.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • HP Graduate Programme - IT

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    First of all was the phone interview. It lasted roughly half an hour including my questions on the end. They were the typical competency based questions along the lines of 'Why do you want to work for HP' etc...

    I was told that i would find out the results of my interview within 5-10 days but i was actually called the morning after which was fantastic.

    The face-to-face interview was scheduled for the following week in the London offices. It was a 2 hour interview which consisted of 1 hour with an HR representative and one hour with a Technical representative.

    The HR interview was a development of the phone interview with more questions on my knowledge of Accenture such as: What HP does, What does the role entail and who are their main competitors.

    The Technical interview comprised of questions that asked me to describe situations that demonstrate i have the technical skills to fit in with HP.

    Both interviewers were very calm and made me feel so comfortable. Overall from the point of me applying online to hearing my final result was less 3 weeks!

    Most difficult question

    They asked me some questions like:
    -Identify the 3 main problems of this company.
    -Suggest solutions to the problems.
    -How could the company fix the problem quickly (ie. quicker that the suggestions you already made)
    -What will the result be after the problem is fixed.

    Interview tips

    Google typical competency questions as through the process you will be asked them all! Ensure you know what the role you are applying for does and read up on HP clients (they may ask). I also know someone who got asked about a recent news story they were interested in, so be prepared to answer that (if it is about one of their clients they are even more impressed). Be confident and don't be afraid to say that you don't know. At the end of the day, every graduate they take on is there to be trained. You don't need an accounting background, in fact the more diverse the better, gives you more to talk about.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    The assessment centre was very friendly. I was given a tour of the office and introduced to staff in the department where I was applying to.
    I then had a panel interview with three members of staff that lasted about an hour; and was then given 30 minutes to prepare a presentation .
    I then had a 1-on-1 interview with the recruiting manager which was very informal and lasted about 45 minutes before spending 30 minutes delivering the presentation I prepared early.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview: