Assistant Director Explore Learning Nationwide (March 2018)
Interview process
The full recruitment process involves answering numerous application questions, attending a centre interview, and then attending a full assessment day at the Head Office in Guildford. The centre interview involves being shown around one of your selected centres, and then being interviewed by two current directors. The interview is quite long and involves scenario questions, as well as competency questions. You are then observed tutoring the children for around 20-30 minutes. If you are successful, you are invited to their Head Office. This is a full day of assessments with around 13 other candidates, including a marketing presentation, a role play, a maths/english assessment, an interview, lunch at Zizzi's with the interviewers, and a group task with a presentation.
Most difficult question
We were given scenario questions and asked what we would do in certain situations, many of which we may not have encountered before.
Interview tips
Ensure that you are very interactive with the children during your centre interview - don't be afraid to get stuck in as if you are their tutor. The key is to build a rapport with the children in the zones you are assigned to. Be enthusiastic and make sure you know a lot about the company, and are prepared to think on your feet on be creative on the assessment day.
Experiences at the assessment centre
Aside from interviews, we also had tasks that required confidence and thinking on our feet. One of these was all having to write a word on a piece of paper, putting them all into a bowl, and then picking one of the pieces of paper and immediately talking non-stop about that word for a minute in front of the group and assessors. We also had a group task to agree on an order of importance for specific items and then presenting our ideas to the assessors, whilst answering their questions about our decisions.
Interview steps
- Phone
- 1:1
- Group / Panel
- Senior Management
- Video
- Numerical
- Personality
- Verbal reasoning
- Psychometric
- Assessment centre
- Group exercise
- Background check
- Presentation
- Competency based questions