Difficulty Rating


Interview experience







  • Aldi - Graduate Area Manager Opportunities

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    1. Online application
    This included employment history, and questions like where you have obtained leadership skills, etc. Very straightforward.

    2. Group interview
    Around 12 of us in a room. Started off going round the room taking turns making a speech about ourselves, our degree and why we were there. After that, it mainly focused on what we knew about Aldi as well as any additional information given by the regional manager.

    3. Psychometric testing
    Online personality questionnaire which assessed suitability to the job.

    3. Two-on-one interview
    This interview was around 3 weeks after the group interview. Started with a 3-part test which included assessment on verbal reasoning and numerical tests. Followed by an hour-long interview with the regional manager (who led the group interview) and the logistic director. Was rather informal and focussed on my life story and experiences as well as questions like "Why Aldi?". Was also shown the results from the online psychometric testing.

    4. Meeting with current area manager in an Aldi store
    Awaiting final stage to interview process.

    Most difficult question

    Your degree is in ... so why Aldi?

    Interview tips

    I would read up as much as possible about the company beforehand which should include looking thoroughly through the website and their business model.
    It's also very important to visit a store and to see what offers etc. they have on.
    Definitely prepare answers to any difficult questions and maybe revise GCSE Maths for the tests just to be sure, and feel extra confident!

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    Not given any group tasks as such, just the 3-part test which I was given 15 minutes to complete as is impossible to complete on time.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Aldi - Graduate Area Manager Opportunities

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    The application was in various stages.

    1: Online application and competency based questionnaire.
    This was your average competency questionnaire ('Give an example of when you demonstrated leadership?' etc), along with questions such as 'Why Aldi?'.

    2: Several weeks after filling in the online application I was invited to the regional HQ for a group interview.
    This was with the regional MD and about 10-15 other applicants. It was very informal; and was a question and answer situation. A word of advice is to make sure you speak up and be heard. It's too easy to fall into the background in formats like this, and as the MD is only choosing a few of you, you should aim to make him remember you. I heard back the next day saying I had been selected to advance to the next round, and was asked to fill in an online psychometric test. This basically is looking to see if you fit the role they're looking for. So a tip: answer all the leadership questions as very relevant to you!

    3: I was then invited to a 2:1 interview with the regional MD (from the first interview) and their logistics director.
    Before the interview began, I was given some numerical and verbal reasoning tests to complete. You get 20 minutes for 3 pages of tests. No calculator, so I suggest brushing up on maths involving fractions, percentages and decimals!
    Next, the interview. Again, this was very informal; and was a bit of a CV run through, but mostly a general chat about my background and reasoning behind my application.
    Again, very prompt return and heard back in 2 days.

    3. The final interview was with a current Area manager in store.
    At this point, you are down to about a 1:3 chance of getting the job. This was again very informal. They give a run through of their lives and career and then ask for the same. Then it's a bit of a Q and A, to see if you have any questions you need answering. I suggest getting a few ready!

    I heard back about a week later, and got offered two starting dates; one in Sept and one in Feb. I shall be taking the February date.

    Most difficult question

    'Your degree was in .... and your masters was in.... so why Aldi?'
    I find this a difficult question as most people's degrees aren't in business or a related field, so you have to be able to convince them that you want the job.

    'What attracts you to the retail market at the moment?'

    Again, just brush up on current news.

    Interview tips

    I would suggest before going into the initial interview, to get a good grasp of background knowledge of Aldi, but also what makes their business model different, and their current offers etc. If you can visit a store, that would be best. There are a lot of competitive candidates and you need to be able to stand out.

    With regards to the second and third interviews; just be yourself, and be confident. They want you to instil confidence that you would be the right choice, and they want leaders. So when they ask why you want the job/why they should hire you, you need to be able to answer that.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    Q and A. Numerical and Verbal tests.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Aldi - Graduate Area Manager Opportunities

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    filled out application form, attached my CV and Covering letter. was called to assessment for a group interview. had a chance to introduce myself. followed by a presentation (2 min) about anything at all. they give you some time to prepare prior to that. there was Q&A session.they want to know whether you are really motivated enough for this job.

    Most difficult question

    survival exercise.. were given a list of things to choose from.

    they want to know if you have done in-depth research about the company so everything from latest news to competitors. also, how aldi can improve services. whats good/bad

    Interview tips

    just be confident. do your research on the company. make sure you know what the role is all about and you will be expected to do in your role as an area manager. they expect people who are hardworking with leadership skills.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    it was tough. there wasn't enough time to prepare for the presentation bit. had no idea what to talk about. i had already spoke about my educational and work experiences when presenting some facts about myself in the beginning.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Aldi - Graduate Area Manager Opportunities

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    In the second interview, the relaxed theme continued. It was a run through of my CV and family history along with a few pressure points where I was pressed.

    Most difficult question

    At Aldi we don't use trade unions. How do you react to that?
    I don't think you've got the grit to dismiss someone. What do you think?

    Interview tips

    In the group interview, just give off a focused impression. You need to be a cool operator and, more important than anything, listen to what everyone is saying.

    In the debate session, be prepared to argue your point convincingly - whether you believe in it or not you must be able to sell an idea or at least build a coherent argument with sound reasoning without being overbearing on the other candidates.

    For your presentation, choose something original that nobody else has. They don't want to hear about the rich boy's gap yah to Thailand, they want to see a part of your character through an interesting insight into your life.

    MOST IMPORTANTLY do your research thoroughly!! They'll spot you a mile off if you haven't done it, a couple of hours a day for two weeks should do the trick,

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    The group interview was surprising - there were no verbal or numerical reasoning tests despite spending weeks preparing for them. The interviewer told us that they liked to shake up the process a little so that we didn't believe everything we read online. At the start we were asked to prepare a list of the horrendous things we had heard about Aldi - which went on to being told it was that and much worse. Following that, we had 2 minutes to plan a 1.5 minute presentation on anything we liked. After that, we had to use a Matrix to plan within a group, then say who contributed most and who contributed least. After that, we were asked to debate - one group had one opinion and the other side of the room had the opposite, then we were asked to switch our roles and argue the opposite side. There was time for Q&A at the end. Be aware - Aldi as a company operates as different companies depending on which part of the country you're in, so interviews may well be different everywhere.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Aldi - Graduate Area Manager Opportunities

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    After completing the online application, I received a letter inviting me to attend a group interview at the regional head office in Darlington. When I arrived, there was about 16 of us. I'm pretty sure they left us so long in their reception to supervise how we were with the other candidates. Then we went into a room where we were given a questionnaire to fill in. This just asked basic questions like where i'd heard about the scheme, why I applied.
    We were then given our first exercise- 2 minutes to prepare a 2 minute presentation on anything but ourselves, no less and no more. Some people really struggled with this. There were some awkward moments when people ran out of things to say, and the interviewee just stared at the person until the timer ran out. Those who talked about a hobby- and had a purpose/argument to their talk- did ok. 2 minutes constantly talking is longer than you think.
    Then we were given two tests to complete in 6 minutes- a verbal reasoning test and a maths test. The maths was GCSE standard- but i know some who hadn't brushed up on their maths struggled a little.
    We were then given a group negotiation exercise of being plane crash survivors. Firstly, we had to individually order a list of items in terms of their importance for survival and then as a group we had to compile a list. This is to look at how good you are at persuading and influencing others, because it was assessed on how different your list was from the group's. Everyone tries to shout over here and be the leader- but its more important to show that you are active (so make sure you say something) and persuasive, but you're not going to be a bull in a china shop as it were.
    Then the interviewer talked more about the job, we were given an information booklet and were told more about aldi as a company. The group interview ended with a Q&A time, but we ended up going round all asking a couple of questions- by the time it got to the 12th person, candidates were frantically thinking of what else to ask and the questions got a bit silly- which the interviewer didn't really find funny.So my advice would be don't follow the crowd- if you don't have a genuine question, just say so.
    The final stage was a one-to-one interview, again at the regional centre. This was a lot less formal (and scary) than the group interview, and was just more of a chat with the managing director. I had read before the interview, and expected, the questions to be quite personal- asking about where I lived, whether I had siblings, what my parents do for a living etc. However, he didn't really go into these questions like I expected.
    All the contact I had with aldi was via letters and not by phone or email, so watch out for the letterbox. I put my home address on the application, and if it wasn't for my mum accidentally opening the letter whilst I was still at university it would have been missed. The letter also didn't give much away about what the interviews would consist of. I was disappointed that when I didn't get the job Aldi wouldn't give me any feedback on my interview performance, despite getting down to the final few.

    Most difficult question

    What makes you the most happy? What makes you upset?

    Interview tips

    Be confident in whatever you can do. Aldi want leaders who will go on to be directors within the company. I think where I fell down is that in the final interview I was very nervous and I think this showed through.
    Aldi aren't secretive about the amount of work and hours the job involves, and you need to show that you are prepared to work hard. I've been told that the Darlington area managers tend to work 60-70 hours a week, whereas in other areas this differs, such as in the middleton where its 60-80 hours a week. Don't bother going through the process if you're only in it for the car and the salary; you won't get far.
    In the group interview, you don't necessarily need to try and lead - its more important to show that you're getting on with doing the actual task in hand, and have the ability to justify your points and persuade others.
    Finally, just be normal as it were. As well as emphasising their need for hard workers, throughout the interviewer just said they want friendly people who are good with others. Show your personality and people skills off- the more you interact with the other candidates the better. After all, the job is not just logistics and running of the store, its looking after Aldi's people too.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    See description above. There was 16 of us, had 2 minutes to prepare a 2 minute presentation, had 6 minutes to do a maths and verbal reasoning test, had 6 minutes to order a list of objects in importance for survival, then 8 minutes to order a group of the same objects, then there was a Q&A session to finish the day.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Graduate Regional Area Manager

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    First was an online application which was fairly simple in terms of questions asked,
    If you succeed in this you're invited to a group assessment centre which was the toughest aspect. If you succeed on this you are then invited to a one on one interview with the director, this is your standard CV run through and competency based interview.

    Most difficult question

    What is our five year plan and how are we going to compete with other market leaders?

    Interview tips

    Research the background and current plans of Aldi thoroughly and it's competitors as you are quizzed around this quite heavily.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    The assessment centre is tough, first you are given 15 mins to prepare for a short 2 minute presentation on something you are passionate about. Then you have your numerical and verbal reasoning tests which you don't have long for at all. After that it is a group task where you have to prioritise 10 items that would be useful if you were stranded in the Antarctic. Here they are looking for a leader and someone to take charge of the situation.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Management Training Programme (Graduate Area Manager) Aldi

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    My phone interview was with a member of the HR team in which we went through certain aspects of my CV and there were also some competency questions to answer at the end

    Most difficult question

    Describe a time where you failed to meet an objective

    Interview tips

    Try not to be nervous and do plenty of research about the company beforehand

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    We were split into teams of 5 and each given a title of something which we had to discuss and then go on to debate between team members

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Graduate Area Manager

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    Aldi's recruitment process is as follows:

    Online application (info about yourself, education, work experience)
    Situational questions (v. basic)
    Verbal, Numerical and Diagrammatical Tests
    Video Interview (9 questions, 30 seconds to prepare for each)
    Group Assessment Centre
    Final Interview

    Most difficult question

    "Describe a time that you have set high standards for yourself?"

    Interview tips

    My main advice is to fully research the company to give support in your answers but also to help you understand if you do present a suitable fit to the company and to the programme - it's your career!

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    I can't comment on that yet but I have read from others that it is more laid back than you think, although due to their criteria being so specific it is vital that if you get to the assessment centre you have to try and stand out from the rest and really prove that you've done your research on the company.
    They want to see that you have the ability to lead others yet aren't too dominant and forceful in your approach - after all, it's important that you try to get on with others and build positive working relationships.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Graduate Area Manager

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    I've just finished the Aldi video interview. It's made up of 10 questions. You're given 30 seconds to prepare and think of an answer before recording, which starts automatically. Most question answers are 60 seconds and some are 30. I felt very nervous and under pressure to say everything in time.

    Most difficult question

    A time you achieved something ambitious, how you did it and why you were proud of it.

    Interview tips

    Research the company. As far as I know the questions are different for everyone but I was asked what I was surprised to find out when researching the company. I was also asked why I wanted to work there so it was useful to be able to say I agreed with their policies etc

    Experiences at the assessment centre


    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Aldi - Retail Industrial Placement

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    The video interview consisted of about five questions. Your camera and mic are set up online and you are then ready to go.

    There are a couple of informative videos, showing what to expect, how to dress (joggers on the bottom if you like but smart for the camera).

    A practice question is given, and when you are ready you proceed to the formal interview. Each question is shown, then a countdown timer starts and on '0' the recording starts. I can't remember all the questions but these are the ones I can

    What is the most interesting thing you have learned about Aldi from your research?

    What qualities do you think the placement will bring out in you?

    I'm sorry I really can't remember the rest

    That's about it really, you answer the questions, and receive a confirmation email.

    Most difficult question

    What is the most interesting thing you have learnt about Aldi from your research?

    This was hard for me as I hadn't done much research so had to really think on the spot.

    Interview tips

    Really be yourself. Obviously you need to tailor your answers to what the company want to hear, but Aldi will be looking at your videos and if you don't smile/laugh a bit/show off some personality it will be very hard to get excited by your answers.

    Experiences at the assessment centre


    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview: