IPA (Creative Pioneers)

IPA (Creative Pioneers) 2024 graduate opportunities

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The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA)/Metro Creative Pioneers Challenge aims to find the next generation of advertising, creative and digital media talent. It offers school leavers, aged 16-24, with qualifications no higher than A Level or equivalent, the opportunity to take up creative apprenticeships across many leading businesses within the creative and media sectors.

More than 50 opportunities are on offer covering Level 3 apprenticeships in Creative and Digital Media and Digital Marketing, as well as the new Level 4 Higher apprenticeship in Advertising and Marketing Communications and PR.

Applicants need to show a can-do attitude, love high pressure and problem solving, and have creative flair, bright ideas and commercial instincts. Applications close on Monday 22nd April at 12 noon and the shortlist will be announced on Tuesday 7th May, and the winners will take up their positions in early September 2013.