Finding Your Passion

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One of the biggest challenges that recent graduates face is figuring out what they want to do with their lives. It can be daunting to choose a career path that will be both financially rewarding and fulfilling. However, finding your passion is the key to achieving both of these goals. In this article, we will discuss some tips for identifying your passions and turning them into a career that you love.

Start by exploring your interests

Identifying your interests is the first step to discovering your passion. What do you like to do in your spare time? Create a list of your interests, pastimes, and favourite hobbies. Consider the classes you liked in school and any assignments you completed that you considered very interesting.

Consider your values

Your values are the principles and beliefs that influence your decision-making. They are extremely important in determining your career path. Consider what is most important to you in life. Is it originality, doing good deeds for others, or changing the world for the better? Finding a career that fits with your beliefs will be simpler once you've identified them.

Reflect on your skills and strengths

Your abilities and qualities should also be taken into account. What do you excel at? What comes naturally to you? Create a list of your skills and think about the various professions in which you could use them. For instance, if you excel at solving problems, you might want to seek a job in management or engineering.

Research people and see where they started

It can be easy to feel like so many people have just walked into their dream careers with ease. Scrolling down LinkedIn can leave you wondering if you are falling behind as everyone talks about their passions and motivations. However, take a second to have a look at how this person has got to where they want to go on their profile, it could be that they started in a field you haven’t considered yet.

Be Realistic

The famous quote goes “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life” and while it’s a nice sentiment, it isn’t completely realistic. There will be parts of any job, no matter the passion, that will be difficult or mundane but making sure you have a good work environment and support system can make everything easier.