• Aldi - Graduate Area Manager Opportunities

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    In the second interview, the relaxed theme continued. It was a run through of my CV and family history along with a few pressure points where I was pressed.

    Most difficult question

    At Aldi we don't use trade unions. How do you react to that?
    I don't think you've got the grit to dismiss someone. What do you think?

    Interview tips

    In the group interview, just give off a focused impression. You need to be a cool operator and, more important than anything, listen to what everyone is saying.

    In the debate session, be prepared to argue your point convincingly - whether you believe in it or not you must be able to sell an idea or at least build a coherent argument with sound reasoning without being overbearing on the other candidates.

    For your presentation, choose something original that nobody else has. They don't want to hear about the rich boy's gap yah to Thailand, they want to see a part of your character through an interesting insight into your life.

    MOST IMPORTANTLY do your research thoroughly!! They'll spot you a mile off if you haven't done it, a couple of hours a day for two weeks should do the trick,

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    The group interview was surprising - there were no verbal or numerical reasoning tests despite spending weeks preparing for them. The interviewer told us that they liked to shake up the process a little so that we didn't believe everything we read online. At the start we were asked to prepare a list of the horrendous things we had heard about Aldi - which went on to being told it was that and much worse. Following that, we had 2 minutes to plan a 1.5 minute presentation on anything we liked. After that, we had to use a Matrix to plan within a group, then say who contributed most and who contributed least. After that, we were asked to debate - one group had one opinion and the other side of the room had the opposite, then we were asked to switch our roles and argue the opposite side. There was time for Q&A at the end. Be aware - Aldi as a company operates as different companies depending on which part of the country you're in, so interviews may well be different everywhere.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Graduate Area Manager

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    Aldi's recruitment process is as follows:

    Online application (info about yourself, education, work experience)
    Situational questions (v. basic)
    Verbal, Numerical and Diagrammatical Tests
    Video Interview (9 questions, 30 seconds to prepare for each)
    Group Assessment Centre
    Final Interview

    Most difficult question

    "Describe a time that you have set high standards for yourself?"

    Interview tips

    My main advice is to fully research the company to give support in your answers but also to help you understand if you do present a suitable fit to the company and to the programme - it's your career!

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    I can't comment on that yet but I have read from others that it is more laid back than you think, although due to their criteria being so specific it is vital that if you get to the assessment centre you have to try and stand out from the rest and really prove that you've done your research on the company.
    They want to see that you have the ability to lead others yet aren't too dominant and forceful in your approach - after all, it's important that you try to get on with others and build positive working relationships.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Graduate Retail Scheme

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    My telephone interview consisted of 25-30 mins of questions about myself and my suitability to the role. Initially I was asked to describe myself as a person; where I am education-wise, my personal hobbies and interests. Then I was asked to discuss why I had applied for the role, how it linked to my qualifications and career aspirations. Finally, I was asked about my interest in the company, what I thought I could offer them and what I was looking for in an employer.

    Most difficult question

    Where do you see yourself in 10 years time.
    Describe a time when you had to change someones opinion.

    Interview tips

    Do some preparation beforehand. Guess some of the questions you think you might be asked and plan several strong answers in which you can reply with. Also, do some basic research on the company, it is always useful to have background knowledge. It is better to be calm as you will think straight and not get yourself stressed out.

    Experiences at the assessment centre


    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Marks and Spencer - Retail Management Graduate Scheme

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    I had a phone interview where I was asked questions mostly regarding why I was interested in the company and sector. Be sure you know your answers beforehand - depth is better than breadth! I had a very solid idea of why I wanted to work for M&S, and was very passionate when I talked about it. Remember to be specific e.g. I talked about the conservation and sustainability schemes that M&S have, which makes them very unique in the field.

    Most difficult question

    Having no experience in the sector, it was difficult to express why I decided that I wanted to work in retail, and why now. This was especially considering that I had not only applied to the retail field. However, I was very clear on why I wanted to work within retail.

    Make sure you know why you applied for the job, and make sure you are very well aware of what is expected of you if and when you get the job. There is no point trying hard to get a job if you hate it once you get it.

    Interview tips

    Know why you are applying, make a list of the competencies and examples of when you have demonstrated each, and do your research on the company! M&S is a great company to work for, with a solid brand and very clear morals. Know them and love them!

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    There were four parts to the assessment centre. One group task with two parts, both discussing a decision you had to give input to. The first part was allocating new personnel to different departments over the Christmas period while also managing current staff to work on improvements based on feedback. The second part was to choose a charity to support for the year. Make sure your reasoning is heard and your opinion is clear, but do also let others speak. Remember that you are not competing for time. Saying nothing and speaking too much are equally unattractive traits. Remember to watch the time and guide the discussion towards a solution - if the group is straying, bring the conversation back on topic. The answer you come up with is not important at all - the process is what they are looking at.

    The second task was a presentation; this is tough, because you are expected to be confident despite having no experience in the particular situation. Again, the answer you come up with does not matter. They are recruiting based on potential, not knowledge. They will teach you what you need to know. You just need to demonstrate that you can understand written data (you will be given an information pack full of statistics and graphs to prepare), reason well and present clearly. You should also be able to answer any follow up questions. Do remember that you have to speak for about 10 minutes! Though better to speak for 8 minutes and get your point across well, than ramble for 15!

    The third task was a role play exercise. Here you are given a situation that could occur in the workplace, and you have to perform a certain task - e.g. for us it was giving an employee an appraisal and asking them to perform a task they are not eager to do. Remember to stay in role, commit 100% to the task, and make sure you do not just read off the paper! They will tell you what you should communicate to the employee, but do not just tell them bluntly. Tactful communication is very important in your role.

    The final part was the interview. I have to say, for me this was by far the easiest part! Remember that they do not expect you to be the perfect package - if there is anything you don't know, just say so and tell them that you'd be eager to learn. They want you to be passionate about the company and committed to learning. They will ask you about certain competencies that you will require for the job, and will ask you to give an example of when you demonstrated each one. If you do your research and think of examples beforehand, you should not have a problem with this part. Remember also to show a bit of your personality - as long as you are appropriate, there is nothing wrong with a big of humour. Build rapport with your interviewer, and do ask all the questions you have - after all, they've gone through the process and sat in your seat before, too! And a lot of them have very interesting stories about the process. Do make sure you do not ask any questions that you could easily find on the website! That is an absolute faux-pas.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Graduate Regional Area Manager

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    First was an online application which was fairly simple in terms of questions asked,
    If you succeed in this you're invited to a group assessment centre which was the toughest aspect. If you succeed on this you are then invited to a one on one interview with the director, this is your standard CV run through and competency based interview.

    Most difficult question

    What is our five year plan and how are we going to compete with other market leaders?

    Interview tips

    Research the background and current plans of Aldi thoroughly and it's competitors as you are quizzed around this quite heavily.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    The assessment centre is tough, first you are given 15 mins to prepare for a short 2 minute presentation on something you are passionate about. Then you have your numerical and verbal reasoning tests which you don't have long for at all. After that it is a group task where you have to prioritise 10 items that would be useful if you were stranded in the Antarctic. Here they are looking for a leader and someone to take charge of the situation.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Aldi - Retail Industrial Placement

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    The video interview consisted of about five questions. Your camera and mic are set up online and you are then ready to go.

    There are a couple of informative videos, showing what to expect, how to dress (joggers on the bottom if you like but smart for the camera).

    A practice question is given, and when you are ready you proceed to the formal interview. Each question is shown, then a countdown timer starts and on '0' the recording starts. I can't remember all the questions but these are the ones I can

    What is the most interesting thing you have learned about Aldi from your research?

    What qualities do you think the placement will bring out in you?

    I'm sorry I really can't remember the rest

    That's about it really, you answer the questions, and receive a confirmation email.

    Most difficult question

    What is the most interesting thing you have learnt about Aldi from your research?

    This was hard for me as I hadn't done much research so had to really think on the spot.

    Interview tips

    Really be yourself. Obviously you need to tailor your answers to what the company want to hear, but Aldi will be looking at your videos and if you don't smile/laugh a bit/show off some personality it will be very hard to get excited by your answers.

    Experiences at the assessment centre


    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Shop Floor Assistant

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    My initial telephone call was from a member of their personnel staff. I went on to do a one to one interview with my 'to be' department manager the following week which lasted about thirty minutes. From here I returned the next week to complete CRB check forms, payment details and carry out my induction which went on for the whole days work, and payed.

    Most difficult question

    Why do you deserve this job?

    It's difficult to answer this question without feeling like you could disrespect others. I answered it by saying how motivated, enthusiastic and hard working I was, explaining that I had this from years of working in certain roles and experiences.

    Interview tips

    Be confident in yourself by going over your experiences from things and what you gained from them, make sure you speak clearly and dress smart. Don't ever rely on chance, do your background research on a company before you talk to a representative from it.

    More is less, if you don't know something don't make it up, look interested and ask questions, it shows you're interested and WANT to do better for yourself AND the company.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    It was a one to one, friendly and easy going discussion on the company role for the most part. The rest was them asking how I'd fit in with that and what I thought I'd benefit from working with them. It was one of the better interviews I've had in my experience.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Morrisons - Finance Graduate Scheme

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    I simply uploaded my resume and after few days I got an invitation for writing online tests. It seems that they invite everyone to write online test. Online test is pretty easy, but it has strict time constraints. If you got to clear this stage, then aim to finish all the questions at a good speed. Per question you might get only 15-30 seconds.

    The next stage is video interview. This is a very crucial stage because they will select only those candidates whom they want to see at their assessment center. They got a strict budget as to whom they got to bring to their HO. Overseas (out of UK) application is always a failure as they will end up incurring huge travel cost and please be assured that they will find a way to reject your application at this stage.

    Questions asked:
    Q1. Why do you think you should follow rules and regulations?
    Q2. Give example of dealing with challenges at your previous work and how you came up with a solution
    Q3. Why finance function is important in a business?
    Q4. Why do you think you are efficient?
    Q5. Why did you chose Morrison finance Graduate scheme?
    Q6. What steps will you take to reduce costs/
    Q7. Do you like doing work with strict laid down rules and procedures or prefer to do whatever you want to do?
    Q8. 2 minutes for further comments.

    Most difficult question

    The video interview questions are very easy. There is one question that I believe is quite tricky one, especially for finance scheme. The question was "Do you like doing work that has strict laid down rules and procedures or do you prefer to work where you can do whatever you want to?" It is one of those questions "where they want to hear what they expect to hear."

    Interview tips

    It is a local British company. Understand the core-values of the company and also the people who are working in there. You will have an advantage, if you completely understand the company culture and resonate with them. You got to speak in video interview, what the HR wants to hear. If you are able to write to the HR for an appointment to discuss the position, then you will understand things better and finally reach the assessment centre.

    If you are lucky to talk to a previously selected graduate and if he/she is kind to let you know how their interview selection "ACTUALLY" works, then you get the job!!!!!

    Don't waste time too much for the interview, if you don't have the right resources.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    Not reached.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Retail (Head Office) Graduate Scheme

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    The first interview was over the telephone. It lasted for approximately 20 minutes, and was carried out by one of the members of the recruitment team. The tone of the interview was relaxed and friendly. I was asked a series of set questions, asking about knowledge surrounding the company itself. They were short, but tested the depth of research carried out prior to the call. It was not difficult if sufficient preparation was undertaken.

    The face-to-face interview was with two members of HR, and myself. It lasted for around an hour, comprising of a series of competency based questions followed by around 15 minutes of general chat at the end. Again, the tone was professional but friendly.
    I was asked to provide scenarios of when I had shown qualities such as leadership, and to give examples of my greatest achievements. The interviewers then asked specific questions about my CV; not challenging it, but asking for an expansion of parts they found interesting and asking for more detail.

    Most difficult question

    "Provide an example of a time when you had to change your natural behaviour to suit the situation in hand."

    Interview tips

    Remember that you are not competing with the other graduates on the assessment day - the company can offer all of you, or none of you the job. Go with a friendly, relaxed attitude and let the assessors see your genuine personality.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    We were divided into two groups of six. We were supplied with a packet of spaghetti and a bag of marshmallows, and in a 30 minute slot were challenged to compete with the other group to see who could build the tallest tower. Additional materials were supplied in the middle of the time, and we could use these if we wished.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview:

  • Aldi - Graduate Area Manager Opportunities

    Difficulty Rating


    Interview process

    I received an email in December 2014 from Aldi telling me I was successful with their initial CV check, and was asked to attend a group interview with their at their North-West headquarters in Neston. I arrived with plenty of time to spare and slowly more and more people filtered into the waiting room. Eventually the twelve of us were invited through into a board room - very corporate looking - and we sat round a table waiting for our interviewer, who ended up being their managing director of that region.

    When he arrived he seemed relatively laid back and informal. He began by asking us to go round, each briefly telling him our name, where we are at university (if we were), when our degree will be completed, and to explain in 30 seconds why we had applied for this role. This seemed simple enough, giving us an opportunity to speak directly with him, and I found the more relaxed speakers came across the best. Some people seemed very wooden and rehearsed which was surprising.

    After this brief introduction he explained that this would be not be a conventional assessment centre, and the interview would proceed with him asking some questions about the company, before giving us a chance to ask questions and invoke discussion.

    He asked simple things like the history of the company, whether it is privately or publicly owned, how the company is split (Aldi North and Aldi South), and about the produce they supply to the customers, etc. These question were fairly simple for those who had done their research, but it also meant that those who weren't sure on some answers weren't caught out given they were open questions to the group, and plenty of people were fighting to get their voices heard.

    This took 45 minutes to an hour, before asking if we had any questions. He explained that this was a tough job and we need to ask our questions now so each person can assess whether Aldi is right for them, as well as whether they are right for Aldi. This process took another hour (so 2 hours in total) and those people who were calm, collected and asked good, honest questions appeared to be the most applicable for the job.

    I heard back within a few weeks and was asked back for a second, 1-on-1 interview with the same manager. This process began, however, with a 15 minute assessment on basic mathematical reasoning, verbal reasoning and logical deduction. For example there were questions which followed the structure 'in a museum, if exhibition A is on a floor above exhibition B, and exhibition C is above exhibition D, but C is below A, and if exhibition E was moved from above B to below C, then what exhibition is on the 4th level?' They were basic questions, and if one used a piece of scrap paper then all the questions were deducible and answerable.

    I was then lead upstairs to the interview room and met with the managing director once again. This interview was more personal, and it felt somewhat relaxed as he simply wanted to get to know me. He began by asking me to run him from the age of 0 up to the age of 21. So this was easy, telling him about my family, where I grew up, went to school, etc. Adding in relevant things about my work experience, etc.

    He would ask question as I went through, and asked me questions at the end. None about the company, just personal questions which were easy to answer. Once again he finished by asking if I had any questions for him. There was an emphasis on making sure I knew everything I needed to know, so ask as many questions as you can think of!

    I received an email the next day telling me I had been unsuccessful, but they declined to give any feedback which seemed odd given I had met this man twice already.

    Overall the interview process was wide-ranging, giving you and them the best chance to get to know each other.

    Most difficult question

    No classic interview questions.

    Simple business questions like 'Why might it be better to be a privately owned business than a publicly owned one?'

    Interview tips

    The position appeals to a lot of people for the money and the perks, but as I reached the latter stages of the process I realised the job may only suit a select few. So go ahead with the process but be aware that the position at the end of it will be extremely hard work, and don't expect to have your hand held. I realised when I was eventually rejected that I was relieved.

    The company is all about efficiency, and that is what you ought to expect; an efficient, corporate organisation. This may not suit everybody.

    Experiences at the assessment centre

    The assessment centre was termed an 'assessment centre', but in fact it was a basic question and answer scenario; not at all what I was expecting.

    Interview steps


    • Phone
    • 1:1
    • Group / Panel
    • Senior Management
    • Video


    • Numerical
    • Personality
    • Verbal reasoning
    • Psychometric


    • Assessment centre
    • Group exercise
    • Background check
    • Presentation
    • Competency based questions

    Rating the interview

    How would you rate the pre-attendance information?

    pre-attendance information:

    How well was the interview organised?

    interview organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the organisation?

    overall impression of the organisation:

    What was your overall impression of the selection process?

    selection process:

    Did the interview reflect the overall values / culture of the organisation?

    overall values / culture:

    Would you recommend this company to a friend?

    would recommend company to a friend:

    Did you want the role following your interview?

    wanted role after interview: