by Milly on 30 January 2013 19:59

Does anyone here have any experience of working for Aldi or Lidl?

The packages are good but I've heard the work is HARD and the hours are LONG.

by Catherine on 01 February 2013 10:10

Yes, I did 18months with Lidl, starting on the graduate district manager scheme.

Money is good but it's not worth sacrificing your life for...unless your life is retail haha. You get little respect or recognition for the hard work you put in, or any extra hours you do. The car allowance is good but they have you by the b******s with it.

My experiences are of one RDC I worked for, apparently there are better regions.

They got rid of all but 1 of the 5 graduates that were in our region over a period of 6 months and were quickly replacing us with promoted store managers. I'm suprised they even still advertise for graduate schemes. I was the only one they kept on in store management after my 'demotion' but the hours were still a joke.

At the end of the day you are working in a supermarket. you get no respect from customers (who think you are dumb if you work for Lidl), and no support from senior management. Again, apparently it is better in some regions than others. I don't know how they can call it a graduate scheme when there is no training!

It is when you stop working for them that you realise how bad they were...i now work a cushty 8-4pm, and my managers respect me :)

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